Fight The Conformists

Fight the Conformists

Hey guys, The Prince of Darkness here. Let’s talk about college. Being in college is cool because you get to be your own boss. No more doing what your parents tell you. The teachers have no control over you either. You don’t have to sit there and conform to the ways of the teachers like in high school. I get to decide when I wake up, when I eat, when I sleep. If I feel like doing homework, I do homework.  If I decide I want to take the day off, I can take the day off and do whatever I please. It’s all about me and what I want. I love being in college compared to being in high school.

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Don’t think it’s all sunshine and rainbows in college though. You should be warned that being your own boss sucks sometimes. You are required to pay money for this education, and its no small amount either, especially for a student fresh out of high school. You need to still go to classes and get good grades because just like high school, you can get into trouble and find yourself kicked out of the institution if you don’t get good grades. I wish we didn’t have to conform so much. When is it going to be my own life, where I get to make every decision I want, and I don’t have anyone that can be mad at me or tell me I’m doing something wrong? Being your own boss comes with a lot of responsibilities and the only person who can be held responsible is yourself.

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