Back To School Sale!

            Hearing those words at a younger age brought dread and excitement. It meant the start of a new year, new possibilities and new homework. Going back as an adult is completely different. Not only do I not have my parent’s funds, but I am expected to study full time, work full time, and pay all my own bills. Social life? Almost nonexistent. There’s also the extreme difference in age between me and the other students. Deciding to surround yourself with teens after many years of not being a teen yourself can be as frightening as a pit of rabid dogs. Have you ever seen Never Been Kissed with Drew Barrymore? She plays  journalist in her 20s who returns to high school undercover. That is exactly how I feel; undercover. I feel like I don’t belong but if I sport my Lulu Lemon fanny pack, Ugg slippers and keep my head down no one will even notice.

            Returning as an adult has it perks. I don’t have a curfew, my classes excite me and I have a better sense of the direction I want my life to take. I didn’t know what I wanted out of life when I was younger. It stressed me out so much that I avoided it at all costs. I crumbled under the pressure to find my dream career at 18. Now that I have had the years and experience, I can come back confident in my career goals. I know what I want and for the first time academia excites me. I want to be on time and present in class. I want to learn and understand math. Who would’ve thought 12 years away from school would make me miss it? Maybe now those back to school sales will bring only excitement for what lies ahead.


2 thoughts on “Back To School Sale!”

  1. I relate to this very much. Some think of college as a whole new social life and partying where at least for you and me the social life really isn’t there with the busy schedules most college students have.

  2. You made an extremely good point about an 18 year old not knowing exactly what they want and being stressed out about it. To me, it doesn’t make sense for someone to waste their money on college if their job doesn’t need it. Some teens are wasting their money because in high school it was embedded in us that you must go to college next. But, now you have it figured out and you are able to enjoy college in a different perspective.

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