A Robotic Mind

A Robotic Mind

Online schooling has been very beneficial to all sorts of different college students. Some students find online schooling to be easier than in person due to the fact that it offers the comfort of learning from home and oftentimes lets students work at their own pace rather than having to do a lot of classwork. On average, online classes really only have one or two lectures or PowerPoints a week, meaning that the only major time commitment is getting the work done. Other students, like me, enjoy mixing online classes with in person classes so they can fill their credit requirements without having to spend a lot of time in person.  Online classes also help commuting students save money, making it so they don’t have to drive to campus for every class. For some students who live far away from campus, online classes can be the best way to get an education at the college of their choice.

Many students prefer online classes to in person, while some would argue otherwise. Online classes can be a source of great distraction and stress for some students. Many college students struggle to focus on their classes while they aren’t in school. With no teachers on the lookout for phone usage, a lot of online students find it hard to put down their phone when a boring lecture is being given. On top of difficulties with focus, online classes often assign far more homework than ordinary classes in exchange for not having to meet. The extra workload that online classes provide can make it very stressful to balance homework from other classes.

Picture from Stanford University

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