Are Online Courses Worth Taking?

There are many pros to online courses. The first is the fact that you can do the courses at your own speed. Being able to work at your own pace is such a good attribute for online courses. If your other classes are giving you a lot of work in one week, you can just work on your online course another week. Another pro to online courses is that you can open your schedule. If you schedule one or two online classes for your semester, it is easier to have a day that does not have any class scheduled. The last pro to online courses is that you can do the courses from wherever you want. This is advantageous because you can go anywhere and do your homework. If you have a vacation that you are going on or your job is sending you somewhere, you can still do your homework.

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With the pros that come with online courses, there are also cons. The first is that there is less communication with the instructor. Many students like to have a conversation with their instructor to better understand the topic. Without this communication, some students might have trouble keeping up. Another con to online courses is that you can fall behind. If you are the type that cannot set your own schedule, you might be finding yourself doing all the courses work the last week of the semester. This can also collide with finals week, and you can find yourself doing the work for that class instead of studying. The final con is that the work for the course can be unclear. Some courses can be disorganized on Canvas. This makes it difficult to know what order you need to do the work, making the course harder.

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