Follow the Path


Dealing with homesickness. Booost Education – Smart solutions to make learning accessible. (n.d.). 

I had my struggles with homesickness my whole life, but moving away for schooling surpassed anything I had ever experienced. I am only 200 miles from home and still reside in the same state but after my parents waved me goodbye on move-in day, I had never felt so alone. It was harder than expected and I missed my old life terribly. But I knew I had to try. Getting up in the morning and creating a routine helped me. I met amazing people, learned to love my professors and their easy classes the first semester, got involved the best I could, did something nice for myself every day, and didn’t push my limits with anything. I tried to find peace in the quiet and keep home in my mindset. I still struggle, but I have a good foundation that won’t crumble beneath me like it would before. 

Going to college always felt like a far-away idea until it crept up on me at the end of senior year. There are times that I am here and have no idea what I’m doing and don’t know if it fits me. It’s enough of an issue to drive a person mad trying to figure out their purpose. But when I was up at elder hours, I was hit with the revelation that all paths are good. It may not feel like it, but I’m doing what’s best for me right now. I keep my peace with the idea that feeling lost doesn’t always mean wrong. I’m still searching for what’s best, so I shouldn’t settle on one idea anyway. Just follow the path.


One thought on “Follow the Path”

  1. I also struggled ,and still do at times, with homesickness. It’s hard to start something new and change your whole routine but like you said it gets better! Finding friends and things to do helps so much with finding a new routine and easing the homesickness.

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