They Lied

Throughout high school you spend your days receiving warnings about the differences between high school and college. Most of these warnings have turned out to be untrue. High school guides you; you spend your time on a schedule and there is a timeline for your work and classes. There are many things that are considered unacceptable while in high school, such as not being where you’re supposed to be. When you’re eating lunch, you are required to be in the cafeteria for the entire time. This isn’t the case in college, you go where you want when you want. Same goes for class attendance, though college encourages you to attend all your classes you are typically not required too, yet in high school you are. Many of the teachers will try to say that college is as “strict” and this appears to be untrue, so far. Even though I relied on the structure and help that high school provides, the freedom I now find in college is not something I would trade for high school again.
My college experience is limited as I’ve only been here for a year but from what I’ve gotten to do so far, I appreciate the structure and the ability to do your own thing, which is something I’ve always found better for me. To a point, you make your own schedule, work on your own time, when you want, how you want, there is no one telling you that the way you write your notes or study is wrong like some teachers would in high school. In the end I do think that the way both go about their education is useful at these specific points in students’ lives. Currently as a college student I feel it’s expected that I would take kindlier to the way colleges operate compared to high school.


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