Secrets to Success

The transition from high school to college may seem intimidating, but I have found a few tips to make the transition smoother. My first secret is that you need to make a list of things you want to do before you go to college, and then work towards these goals every day. Eventually, these habits will become second nature. I have found this to be beneficial with homework and keeping my room tidy. Another secret I have to share is to try things seven times. Sometimes, we have biases over things before they begin, which can make us not want to try new things. I did not enjoy my high school library because there was always loud music in the background, so coming into college, I subconsciously decided I did not want to study in the library. However, once I did try it, I was able to focus the entire time I was there. This tip can be used for a variety of things, and though you don’t necessarily have to try things exactly seven times, make sure that you try something long enough for it to be a genuine attempt at liking it.

My third secret for new students is to talk to as many people as you can in your first week of school and try to stay connected with them, at least for a month. It is very difficult for many people to reach out to others, but when you start at a new school, it is important to try and meet as many people as you can. This was helpful to me when I met a girl working at the Weidner, and then she ended up being on the grand council for the sorority I was rushing for. That small connection helped me get in, and this happens a lot in college. My last secret is to work ahead. I recommend doing everything as soon as possible because once it is done, you don’t need to think about it anymore. This may be something that you have heard before, but in college, you are given a lot more time to complete assignments, so the quicker you get it done, the more time you have to do other things you enjoy!

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