Cody Marik 

Mrs Toonen

First-Year Writing T/T 930

13 Nov 2023

How to enjoy college 

There are many things offered at UWGB to help you to enjoy College. Getting involved in the activities that are offered on campus is a great way to meet new people. Whether you are looking for something related to your major or a hobby, there are many clubs offered at UWGB. If you have an interest and there are no clubs yet, you can start one. I have joined Kappa Sigma and a car club. Kappa Sigma is a fraternity that does a lot of volunteer work.  Already I have gone to Denmark High School for a woodworking event and a Halloween event. The fraternity also helps out at Packer games. Car club is where members show off their cars and talk about the brand of the car and engines. When we see a car that looks nice, we post it in the group and talk about it. I have found that I have made connections with people that I would not have made if I didn’t join these clubs. I have taken advantage of the fitness center on campus, the Kress Center. Another great opportunity on Campus is Phoenix Club, which is a good place to hang with friends and relieve some stress. I enjoy going to Phoenix Club to watch the Packer games. If you are a video gamer like I am, the Esports Lounge is a nice place to go. You can play a game by yourself or with your friends.

Not only does meeting people help with your enjoyment of college, but there are many things you can do yourself to help you succeed. An important thing to do is keep a planner. There are so many dates to remember, and a lot of assignments that need to be completed on different days. Staying organized is extremely important, and it is something that I continue to struggle with. You would also want to have a designated work area, which if you live in a dorm can be tricky. I got lucky, my roommates are respectful when it comes to studying and will avoid distracting me when they see I’m studying. Lastly, getting adequate sleep is extremely important.  If I don’t get at least 5-6 hours of sleep, I can’t function properly.  I would struggle with remembering what was said in class and what needs to be done, and then my homework would suffer.


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