Listen Up Incoming Freshman

College is a roller coaster of experiences. When I came into college, I had no idea what to expect. I was told by many high school teachers that college professors don’t care about if you are successful or not and how hard college is. From my experience so far, I have learned that college is what you make of it. If you put forth effort and show up to class, you will succeed. The professors do want to see you succeed and care about how you are doing. They are here to help you and they want to help you. If you don’t show up to class and don’t do your assignments, then your college experience might be harder than other people’s experience. College is what you make of it. There might be some hard times but that is to be expected with anything you do in life. If you work hard, use your resources, and lean on people that you love, college is going to be so much fun.

Some things to look forward to when coming to college are that you will make amazing friends, learn about a field you have a passion for, and get incredible opportunities you may not have had in high school. When coming into college, everyone has their own opinions and advice on how to help you, but with time, you will experience everything you need to and gain your own opinion on how to get through college. One thing that has helped me adapt to so many different things is just staying organized. You need to prioritize things that you enjoy doing, schoolwork, and making time for your mental and physical health. An example of this is I have learned that everyday I need to make time to go to the gym at least just to walk on the track for a little bit while listening to a podcast or some music. Trying to manage so many things at one time can get overwhelming, so I find it important to get some physical activity in my day and walking also helps my mental health. Finding things that make you happy but also help you mentally or physically is important because once you come back to your schoolwork, you will feel reenergized and more focused.


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