The Future Adventures of Sam

Throughout high school many teachers loved to talk about how “your college professor won’t let that slide.” or it was always “do you think your professor will accept this.” The answer is yes they will. The work can be more time-consuming, and you have to learn self-discipline and time management but don’t stress too much the professors are pretty understanding. This one time I knew I had to do an assignment that day that was due at midnight, but I had to work I was in a factory and I wasn’t able to get any data to work I took a picture with my boss and emailed it to him when I could, and he extended the assignment three extra days for me. The professors know we are young adults and that emergencies happen.
 The best advice I can give you, so you are not burning out and getting overwhelmed with homework is to have a planner. This will make it so you can break down the work, and don’t do it all in one night, try breaking it up over a week. Once you get in the habit of having a planner and checking off your task you may notice the feeling of relief when you’re done. Also, make sure you are consistent with getting your work done on time and turned in because the main issue students run into is the fact they did the assignment wrong they just turned it in late. So, making sure you have self-discipline, a good homework schedule, consistent study time, and a good place to study will benefit you and your academics. Study rooms or the library is a great place to study without any distractions. If you are looking for another place to study, try finding a nice place outside. You can get fresh air, and sun and even meet other students on campus. It might be nerve-racking at first, but it will be worth it. You got this Sam and good luck!

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