Gods Plan

“How do you define success as it relates to your past year or semester in college?” For me personally, success has always meant being the best at what you do. But the last year I have had to learn that you can be successful without being the best. Throughout a season of basketball that had a lot of hardships, I struggled with knowing what my role on the team was. I had inconsistent playing time and a lot of ups and downs. Our team was very successful, but it was still a hard year for me. I didn’t understand why things that were happening were happening. I felt like I was letting myself down and not doing what I was capable of. I had to reevaluate what success truly meant to me. I hadn’t been the best, but I had tried my hardest and showed my character through ups and downs. Success for me was now about how hard I was trying and how I was responding to hardships, not about being the best.
“Reflecting on your past year or semester what did you learn about yourself?” There have been a lot of ups and downs in the past year. I learned that to grow you must go through hard things. The past year of my life has been a lot of changes and a lot of new things to adapt to. From moving away to college, struggles in school, missing my family, having to make new friends, and being on the basketball team. There have been so many things to learn and get used too, but I think the thing I learned more specifically is how to authentically be myself through those hardships. Throughout the year I learned that trying to be someone else or trying to please other people leaves you with nothing. Choosing to live my life based on my personal beliefs in God and trusting that no matter what happens his plan for me is the best thing has taught me so much. God puts you through hard things for a reason and that’s to grow and to change into the person he wants you to be. College has been difficult, but I wouldn’t change the experience for anything. I have learned so much about myself and have grown into a more mature woman through it. Gods plan is always the best plan.


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