Harder Classes, More Distractions

Dear Sam, 

One piece of advice I would give you is to prepare for the increase in difficulty of most classes. Relating to that, one piece of advice I would offer would be to take good notes. The way that I learned to do this is to listen to what the professor has to say about the content and try to write it in a way that you can understand. This way, when you review notes, you can better understand what is being said, which I have struggled with the few times when I have just copied what was on the board. There is a saying that if you can teach a concept, you understand it well. By rewriting notes from the board, you are essentially teaching it to yourself, which helps build your understanding.  

Students Studying in Library-6 - Grace College & Seminary

Image Credit: Grace College

To be successful in college, one needs to study the information presented in class. The best way I have found to study is to find a quiet area on campus with little distractions and put on some relaxing music in the background. Distractions are my worst enemy when it comes to studying. There have been times where I will attempt to study in a louder area or with friends, and I typically get less work done because of sidetracks. Music helps me focus by blocking out the noise of wherever I am studying, decreasing distractions. 

Good luck in your college journey, 


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