How Is College?

Benjamin Younger

Mrs. Toonen

First year writing MWF 9:30

1 April 2024

How Is College?

Some people say college is the greatest experience of their life and some people say it is the worst experience ever. I have been finding my own opinion since I started in the fall of 2023. I have had many ups and downs, but I try to make all my negatives and turn them into positives. One example of this is when I miss a class. I miss class way to often as I feel like I have more freedom. Another negative is having to work and not having time to work on assignments. I work on average over 20 hours a week, and work tends to consume my time on weekends. I mainly work to afford my college resources such as books, notebooks, pencils, etc. I work to also afford gas to commute to college and pay for food and other resources. One negative is the nighttime classes. Most of my Engineering technology classes are at night, and that is negative because of my commute, and it takes away time I could be working. Another negative is needing to buy my own books and supplies. The books cost a fair amount and while the supplies are all reasonable. All the smaller expenses tend to add up quick.

At the same time, college has some of the biggest positives out there. One of my biggest positives is that I get to choose my supplies now. This is big for me because my mom always got my supplies in high school. I get to get the things I like, and I prefer. Going along with that one of my favorite positives is how I feel a lot more independent in college. Since I commute, I still live with my mom, but at the same time I do feel like more of a person by myself. I get to dictate where I am or who I’m with, and I can do that with a lot more freedom. One major positive I like about college even though I do not live on campus is the stores on campus. If I need anything in-between classes whether that is a book from the bookstore or a snack from one of the multiple food shops. I feel like everything I need is on campus. I also like the different classroom environments. All professors are different, and they run their classrooms differently. That is one of my biggest positives because I feel like I am not taking the same class repeatedly there all very different because of how the professor teaches.  In high school I feel like all the teachers taught the same besides the few that would improve their teaching and make it more interactive.

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