Surviving and Thriving in Online Classes

Online classes are very convenient, I’m able to do the work whenever I can fit it into my schedule during the week. During online classes, it is very nice to be able to rewatch the class video as many times as I need to fully understand the coursework which allows us to learn at our own pace. This teaches us to be accountable for ourselves because no one is there to tell us to do our work. To stay on track I have made a schedule for doing my online classes which I try to stick to when I have time, and this helps to stay on track. Meanwhile when taking a quiz or test it can cause less distraction which helps you to focus on your work. The accessibility of online classes is very convenient and you can do some work whenever you have extra time no matter where you are, and you don’t have to worry about missing out on class.

While online classes have their advantage they are not for every type of student, unfortunately you don’t get the in person and hands on experiences that everyone else does. Additionally reaching out to your teacher or classmates isn’t as straightforward as an in person class, it also takes much longer to get a response from them. There has been many times when I have been very lost and don’t know what to do so I have to email the teacher and sometimes wait a day or two for a response that may or may not help me. It is very easy during a busy week to keep putting off work for your online classes or forget about them completely until the weekend when it is all due, I tend to do this a lot especially when I have upcoming exams. Also, If you aren’t strict with yourself, it is very easy to get distracted with things like your phone, friends, or tv. I usually have to put my phone somewhere where I can’t reach it to be able to focus on my work.

IIM Ahmedabad Suggests Helpline For Parents Regarding Online Classes (

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