Relaxing > Working

Relaxing > Working

            There are many pros and cons of online courses. Personally, I think the pro and cons are pretty equal just, the hardest part is discipline. There are many pros, but it takes discipline to make those pros effective. One pro is online accommodating someone’s schedule whether it be sports, work, or anything else one can have going on. This is super nice for me because I am an athlete here and having these online classes are needed because of my practice schedule. Another pro is getting to rewatch lecture videos. If there is something that I don’t understand I can just go rewatch the lecture. This is super nice because then I don’t have to go into office hours all the time or make an appointment with my professor for them to answer questions. Lastly, I feel like I get more sleep when I have online classes because I don’t have to wake up as early to go to class and that makes me more energized to do my classes later in the day.

On the other hand, there are also many cons to online classes like procrastination which I sadly suffer from. Yes, it’s nice to not have to go into class all the time, but then you are also home all the time where there are many distractions, like TV, video games, and roommates. These things make me put off watching my lectures because I don’t have a strict schedule and I also get sidetracked very easily. Another con that happened recently for me is lecture videos not loading. My chemistry lecture videos would play for two minutes then buffer and never load again. This is very annoying because the time I want to get work done I can’t because technology decides not to work. Lastly, just having the motivation to get out of bed and watch the lectures or homework is the hardest part. I struggle with this, and I am trying to get back on the horse and get my stuff done then I can go relax or do whatever I want to do.


One thought on “Relaxing > Working”

  1. I agree that doing work virtually is hard because of all of the distractions that are not there when you work at school.

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