Like Night and Day: High School vs College

                             Wooded Glen

Going from high school to college is a big jump. It takes getting used to, for a lot of reasons. One of the most jarring things for students can be the difference in living. Many students choose to live on campus or move into an apartment. This is a huge step and a lot of things change because of it. College students have to learn to take care of themselves more than ever. Some students always did some things for themselves, like laundry and cooking, but no longer having parents to do anything for you is very different. In college, students can only rely on themselves to make sure they eat properly and get enough sleep. In high school, parents would cook dinner and remind the students to go to bed. Adjusting to taking care of yourself without them can be difficult.

Another huge difference that affects many college students is the change in workload. In comparison to college, high school seems very easy. Students can retake tests or do corrections in high school, but in college, there are no redos unless you retake the class entirely. For many college classes, there’s more learning to do in the same amount of time as a high school class. Students also have a lot more responsibility regarding getting work done on time. They have to study for most classes every day in order to pass. In high school, you can just show up in order to graduate. There are a lot of differences, but with hard work it’s possible to graduate college.




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