It’s Pretty Great Actually

College is a big adjustment for a lot of people, and high school doesn’t really prepare you for it. It’s really the first time in your life that you’re supposed to be responsible for your own success. This change can be extremely stressful if you’re not ready for it, and it can make the whole college experience miserable. However, for the first time in your life, you get to taste what freedom is like. For students who live on campus, it’s probably their first time living away from their parents, you have the ability to skip classes, go to a bunch of fun events without having to sign a permission slip, and so much more. I feel like for a lot of people, college is a pretty mixed bag.

For me personally, college has been an interesting experience, and for the most part, one that I have enjoyed. Yes there are times when due dates and exams become overwhelming and there’s just so many stressful things going on, but this is just a part of life. Going to college is a safe place to explore those feelings of stress without having too much on the line. Although college isn’t for everyone, you go to college to get more than just an education you go to learn how to live life. I’ve had to make so many choices that I never would have had to make in high school and I feel like this has made me a stronger person. I’ve learned how to balance work, school, my social life, and my well being. I’ve learned how to ask for help, and I’ve learned where to find good people, and so, so much more. Just like many things in life, college is more about how you react to your situation rather than the situation itself. Having a positive but realistic attitude is essential for getting through things. If I had to give college a rating, I would say it’s a solid 7/10, and 100% way better than high school. 

image credit: Google Images

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