Hair Puller

College can be a stressful environment for a multitude of reasons. There is the stress that comes from how your class schedule is laid out, or course material you just cannot wrap your head around. Maybe your stressors come from the limited time you have once you’ve completed everything you needed to and before you know it the next wave of homework hits. For me, it most certainly comes from the time I lose between commuting and trying to get enough hours in at work to help pay the bills. I spend 10 hours of my week just driving to and from class and then another 20 hours working. When you combine this with what is expected for class work, I have little left of my week to spend on my own. This seemingly endless cycle could drive anyone crazy.

This is not to say that particular classes don’t add to my stress. I have course material that I just can not understand without diving in way deeper than other courses. For instance, I have a legal class this semester that has been driving me nuts! I feel that the readings and studying guides do so little for me because the definitions, and vocabulary have me feeling like I am trying to understand a foreign language. The professor does provide study guides, although they do not help me much. This, combined with very little prior knowledge or understanding of the legal system, has me always feeling uneasy and stressed about every assignment and test. Fortunately, the added studying helps me do well, but I wish I could do a better job controlling the urge to pull my hair out. I’m hoping courses like this are few and far between, or at the very least I can find a way to cope with this stress a little bit better.


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