College Hardships, For Beginners

Last semester consisted of several times where I lost my momentum due to self-inflicted mistakes. These mistakes included procrastination, tardiness, and lack of motivation to even attend class. The biggest reason I lacked motivation came from my sleep schedule. Falling asleep at 1:00 in the morning on most nights was not going to give me the jump start I needed to get through a day. To help fix this, I needed to get to sleep earlier. During this second semester, I have classes scheduled at an earlier time than the previous semester. This has led to me going to bed before midnight on most nights so I get nearly nine hours of sleep. While motivation has become more fruitful for me during second semester, tardiness has also gone down with it. My job has a saying that is: “To be 15 minutes early is to be on time.” That has led me to arriving at class as early as the professor will let me. Sometimes, it’s twenty minutes early.   

The biggest problem I have yet to work on this semester, ironically, is procrastination. Grades drop due to not having a paper or blog entry submitted on time, and they drop fast. The biggest contributor to procrastination for me is my inability to write for long periods of time. It becomes quite tedious having to keep on writing, when I feel most of it is going to be changed and revised later anyways. Because of this, I feel the best solution is to lock my phone, work away from anything that may visually or physically distract me. Sticking to completing my work while I have time and resting once it’s done is my biggest mistake to fix while I am still here in the second semester.






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