Becomes Too Much

College students face many academic stressors. One of my academic stressor is time management. I’m one to procrastinate on an assignment but also stress about it not being done. I tend to wait until the day that an assignment is due to submit it. If I see that I have a few extra days to complete an assignment compared to another, I’ll do the one due sooner and push off the one that is due later, typically until the day it’s due. Another academic stressor is one particular class, my biology class. I have a hard time understanding the very little details that go into what we are talking about. Biology is very complex and has many systems and parts that interact with each other creating something new, and trying to understand everything becomes a lot. The class is also all lectures, quizzes, and exams, and personally I don’t do well with tests; I’m a lot better with writing and projects. So that’s another factor that makes this class more difficult and an academic stressor for me. 

Another academic stressor is the other aspects of my life. I alway try to make time to be there for my friends and family because they are always there for me. It’s important to me that I’m there for them too, if not more, because I love to help out the people I care about any way I can. With this point, if someone important to me needs me I will drop everything I’m doing in that moment to go help. Which can interfere with my academics if that’s what I was currently working on or just taking the time to be with a loved one is time taken away from my study time. I am also on two teams, a competition dance team and game day team which takes up a lot of my time for practices, games, and competitions. With this I have 4-6 practices a week and typically 1-2 games a week, as well as possibly a competition that week too. I really enjoy being on both teams though it does take a ton of time away, which becomes a big stressor to be committed to the teams while also keeping up with homework and studying. The Student’s Guide To Managing Stress(Google)

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