Starting All Over

The transition from high school to college has been a very big leap for me. I was in shock when I attended my first Biology lecture and saw how many other people were there, more people in one class than I had in my entire high school. In high school, I felt that teachers sometimes provided more assistance than necessary, almost like we were being ‘babied’. I really valued the one-on-one learning experiences I received from teachers in high school, and I think that greatly contributed to my academic growth and success during those years. However, in college the teachers are much more straight forward and to the point, they give you the information to succeed and let you know the things that you can do to be successful.

College has been a significant academic leap from high school. In high school, everything just seemed to make sense to me. I rarely had to study or do much outside work to achieve good grades. As long as I was diligent with my assignments and paid attention in class, I consistently earned good grades. To achieve success in college, I am dedicating more time outside of class than during class hours. Despite my best efforts and hard work, I’m still not achieving the grades I desire. I have recently started designating three hours a day for me to either study or do homework and that has helped me to boost my grades in biology and precalculus.

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