What’s Best for You?

What’s Best for You?


There are many pros to online classes. In my personal experience, I have enjoyed my online classes immensely. This semester I am taking 3 online classes and am enjoying the flexibility and ability to schedule my own time. Last semester I was taking only 1 online class, and the load of class time was hard because of how busy my schedule is as an athlete. With online classes, I enjoy the ability to be able to get my work done at my own pace. Another perk of online for me is the fact I can’t miss class. As an athlete, I miss classes occasionally and being behind makes things difficult. For me last semester I missed more classes than I have this semester because of how many more online classes I’m taking. I enjoy online classes as well because it is very similar to being homeschooled, which I was for my whole life. I am used to overseeing my own schedule and online classes follow that same trend. There are quite a few pros to online classes but there is also some cons.
The cons of online for me is missing interactions with students. A lot of people meet friends and people they can study with in class. Online is more isolated and can be hard to interact with students and be able to understand what’s going on in the class. From my experience as well it’s hard to know exactly what’s going on if there aren’t class sessions to talk about what assignments are due and when. Another con is also the communication with professors. I have had some struggles with online professors specifically my math class last semester where my professor wouldn’t teach anything she’d just expect us to know what was going on. Whereas my other in person classes it was easy to ask questions and do exactly what they wanted. This class specifically is a great way to explain the cons of online. Having individual meetings and being able to go through things in person is helpful. Online courses don’t give you that option. Online courses also give you the opportunity to procrastinate and get behind. Speaking from experience, I have made mistakes and left all my work to the end of the week. Whereas last semester I didn’t ever do that because almost all my classes were in person. There are many pros and cons but for me the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to online classes.

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