What A Struggle


What A Struggle

The biggest struggle for me in college is studying because I never needed to in high school. When coming into college I didn’t think I was going to need to study as much as I really do because I thought I retained information well. I was severely mistaken. Since I am a human biology major my courses are very difficult and need extra attention. Since I need to study so much, I should have found an effective strategy, but I haven’t yet. There were many study strategies that I have tried like a study group, Quizlet’s, rewriting my notes, quizzing, and flashcards, but none of them seemed to work. During group study sessions I always get off topic and start talking about something else and not doing any work which leads the others to get off topic too. Whenever I try to study my mind just wonders off and I can’t stay focused long enough to retain any new information. I’ve got to start focusing on studying more and with no distractions present.
Along with not being good at studying the courses are insanely more difficult than those in high school. Just the other day in lecture going through new material and it sounds like it’s not even real words just made up. In high school I could just sleep or sit on my phone in the back of the class and still get a high A, but in these classes I could do the complete opposite and get a C. Another example that makes college classes so much more difficult than high school is when taking notes on the computer and the computer thinks that the word is spelled wrong even though it’s correct. Anyone who thinks that high school to college was going to be an easy transition is most definitely retracting that statement.


3 thoughts on “What A Struggle”

  1. Studying for me has also been a struggle because we used to study in the class at high school and studying wasn’t ever homework. In college you have to do all the studying on your own and it makes it a lot more difficult because you need to manage your time better.

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