Online Classes and Their Real Life Consequences

Many students prefer online classes to in-person classes. However, virtual learning can have many problems. A big issue with virtual learning is distractions. In an in-person classroom, it’s easier to pay attention. Especially with an attentive instructor who asks the class questions and even reminds them to pay attention. Online, it’s hard to stay focused when you can close the tab and browse the internet instead of doing work. Cheating is also a big issue. No matter what a professor does to deter it, some students still find a way to cheat in online classes. When they cheat, not only are they being dishonest, they aren’t getting a proper education because they aren’t learning what they’re supposed to.

But consequences don’t have to be negative. Despite its issues, virtual learning still has many benefits for students. Many college students enjoy being able to pause lectures to write notes or even rewind them and rewatch portions. Online classes also tend to be flexible. Students can watch the videos posted by their instructors when they are able to, instead of missing out on a lecture because they couldn’t attend. It is also accessible to more people. Some people might not go to college because it’s too far away, but online learning allows them to attend at home. Online classes give more people an opportunity to have a college education. So, even with the problems that students can face in online classes, it can also have benefits. As long as a student works hard and asks for help when they need it, online learning can be a great choice for them.

Image from The Patriot Post

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