Making the Jump

High school is one of those experiences that prepares people for who they are in the future, however it is so much different than college. High school is the definition of a schedule, wake up at 6 school by 7 leave

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at 2:30 work at 4.                                                                                         This was my schedule for four years with the same people, the same teachers, and the same walls. The teachers triple make sure you know when due dates are, a bell determines the structure for eight hours of your day and your parents still cook you dinner. You wave to the same class acquaintances, eat lunch with friends whose addresses are down the street from yours, and learn from teachers that taught your older brothers two years ago and mom and dad twenty years ago. Depending on the angle you look at it, high school is a repetitive predictable time of your life, whereas college couldn’t be more of the opposite environment. 

Congratulations! You just graduated and now are on the four year college path! After spending four years doing the same things with the same people, you are thrown into a completely different environment. There is less of a schedule and you have to learn how to take care of yourself. When to eat dinner, when to do your laundry. Your professors don’t check in on you as often and they trust you to keep track of everything on your own. You cross paths with new people each day and you have a different schedule each day. I personally enjoy college more than high school because of that freedom you get to experience for the first time and the fact that there are new opportunities everytime the sun comes up.

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