Growth Never Comes from Thin Air

As an international student, I felt incredibly blessed to have such a unique opportunity. Yet, my last semester unfurled a tempestuous chapter in my life. In my first week in the U.S., even before I could acclimate to the entirely new surroundings, I was ensnared by fraudsters masquerading as police officers. Exploiting my naivety of the laws and my trust, they fleeced a substantial amount of money from my family, which is hardly affluent. This unforeseen catastrophe dismantled all my optimistic fantasies about this fresh start. Struggling to extricate myself from the shadow, I simultaneously grappled with additional challenges. My inadequate English skills drained my confidence in class, and confiding in one of my Chinese friend only led to endless indifference. Concealed in solitude, I wept covertly every night, engulfed by the abyss of loneliness and guiltiness.

After I endured countless days and nights wrestling with my gloom, a sudden moment of realization dawned on me: the past was irretrievable, yet the reins of the future remained firmly in my grasp. Envisioning my future, I tried to put more dedication into my schoolwork and English proficiency and chart the roadmap for my internships to make money for the next semester. As I pushed myself to stride forward with faith, the anguish of yesteryears started to fade away into oblivion. I have always believed that it is through enduring hardships that one truly matures. The journey into adulthood is invariably solitary, yet I learned to embrace this solitude and transform my self-doubt into the fuel that propels me forward. Standing taller with each passing day, I started to feel a thriving sense of responsibility and persistence.

One thought on “Growth Never Comes from Thin Air”

  1. Hi,
    I am so sorry for what you faced. I am glad that you continued to press through and persistent in your education and adult life. God bless you.

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