Fearing the Difference

High school and college have some similarities; however, there are a few differences that have stuck out to me so far. The major difference for me is not playing sports. Throughout high school I played three sports, so each season I was involved in something at the school.  However, now I do not play a sport on campus, so I do not feel as involved at school.  Could I play intramural sports? Yes, and I have, but it is just not the same type of commitment and competition as it was in high school. In high school I was always up super late to work on homework because I had games or practices at night; however, now I can work on homework after my classes get done around 3 o’clock.

With this, time management is something that is another difference between high school and college. In high school I had to work very hard to manage my time because of sports, clubs, and the friends I wanted to make time for. But, in college my free time is all the time. You only have class 2-3 times a week, so you have time to get the homework done.  I don’t have sports to worry about either, so all the time I used to spend playing sports, I spend studying and doing homework. If I’m not doing homework I am hanging out with friends because you have your own schedule.  You are not on school time anymore. Overall, I feel high school teachers scare high school students that college is harder than it actually is.

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