Soaring High

Soaring High 

This semester I really plan to start going to the gym and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. During high school I stayed active by taking at least one gym class every semester. When I got to UWGB, I was a little disappointed in the lack of classes focusing on physical activity. It has been a lot to adjust to going from high school right to college and I am trying to make that adjustment easier. I go to the gym at least three times a week now and have started to incorporate at least one fruit or vegetable into every meal. On top of doing this I also plan to start tracking macros to really enforce healthy habits to stay in shape as long as possible. I do not think this will be a hard goal to accomplish because I love doing any physical activities as it is an effective way to clear your mind and get fresh air or exercise. 

Another goal I have is to try my best to live a lavish lifestyle/ Living a lavish lifestyle is an extremely broad goal that most likely everyone has. I do this by travelling anywhere and everywhere. I plan to start saving at least $300 a month to be able to afford my next yearly vacation. After I get back from a month-long trip to Japan in June, I plan to immediately buy a plane ticket to the Philippines in August to see my grandma. My grandma is originally from the Philippines and after 30 years of living in the US she decided to move back. I plan to go not only to visit her, but to learn more about where she is from and visit my family that lives there that I have heard a lot about. 

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