I Just Want You To Know

Hello again, The Prince of Darkness here back again for another awesome blog. This one is for all the incoming freshmen. I am in my second semester of college, and I feel I have a lot of insight to share to help you when you show up. I will start off by saying college is only as hard as you make it. The more classes you sign up for, the harder it will be to stay on top of your work. I don’t think I have had very many hard assignments. They only become hard when they start to add up. It is also hard to attend a bunch of classes in a week. Oftentimes, if you sign up for too many classes you will want to skip a few every once in a while. There will be bumps in the road. At some point, you will experience both physical and emotional hardships. I have been sick for a week straight that kept me out of classes. I had to put my dog down during my second month here. My grades suffered because of it. I want you to know there is help for you.

This college is so good at offering you help. You only need to send an email or walk into a room at your community center or Dean of Student’s office and people will ask what they can do for you. Professors also hold office hours weekly and they are usually at convenient times. You will always have at least one person you can count on to help you, whether it’s a fellow student or a professor. In addition to having many helpful people, this college is also filled with great opportunities to make friends and have a good time. Bingo is my favorite event to go to, I have met a lot of good friends that way. I have built up a support system for myself. I always have help if I need it. Don’t be scared of college; there’s always good around you.

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