By Myself


Living on campus has been an interesting experience for me. For instance, for the first time in my life I’m living on my own. For once, I finally get to be in charge. I don’t have to deal with my parents telling me what to do. I don’t have to deal with waking up early in the morning. I now make the rules. Although just because I’m living on my own doesn’t mean that there aren’t any responsibilities that I have. For example, instead of my mom doing my laundry for me at home, I now must do laundry here on campus. Instead of having my mom clean up after me, I now must clean up after myself.

I am also in charge of me academically. For instance, when I was living at home my mom would always be checking in on me to see if I was doing my homework and studying what I needed to study. Now that I’m living on my own, I am now the one who must check in on myself, to see if I’m doing what I need to do for class. Instead of relying on having my mom waking me up for school in the morning, I must now wake myself up to get to classes on time. I also must be in charge if I’m bringing everything I need for my classes instead of my mom double checking with me if I have everything I need for class. As a result of living on my own and having to do everything for myself by myself, I feel more prepared for adulthood.

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