Both Sides of Self-Paced Learning

Anna Doolittle

Mrs. Toonen

First Year Writing – M/W/F 9:30

20 Nov. 2023

Since being here at Green Bay, I’ve taken two online classes and am currently enrolled in one for the winter term. There are definitely some positives and lots of negatives when it comes to learning online. One nice thing is the fact that you can learn anywhere: at school, at home, in bed, or at the beach, also your learning is at your own pace, and you can really tailor it to what you want it to be; however, I would highly suggest to anyone taking an online class to have a very set schedule! Every week, I work on my online class at the coffee shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30. It’s definitely very hard to keep yourself accountable at times, so that’s why it’s important to schedule out specific time for any online class. Also, while working on your online classes, it can help to have some sort of treat. I like to indulge in a fun drink or fun snack to keep me motivated, and I would say that it 110% helps to keep me pushing forward. Because I work in the coffee shop most of the time, I like to get a coffee and some sort of sweet treat.

Although it’s nice to work anywhere at any time, taking online classes isn’t for everyone. Being able to learn and teach yourself isn’t for everyone, and it truly does take someone special to be able to hold themselves accountable. Another thing that can be hard is communicating with the teacher or your professor. For any clarification on questions, you have to email your professor and wait for a response. Sometimes it can take hours to days depending on how many classes they teach. Whenever I’ve had to email in the past, it’s taken up to three or four days. I would also avoid taking any classes online that are extremely important to your major. Electives would be fine online, but nothing that would make or break your major. Another thing that would be really hard is taking a very interactive class online. For instance, taking a math class would be extremely challenging, because you can’t ask questions in real time. Overall, it’s important to know how you learn and make the best decision for you.


Source: Clipart. com

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