Stressful…More Like STRESSFUL

Typically every high school student after they graduate all they can think about is going to college and how exciting it will be. Well college is a nice get away from living at home with your parents, it also can be a wake up call to the start of your adult life. For me when I started college it was nothing but fun at first and then throughout the years it has been way more tricky. I am now a junior in college and all I want to do is graduate, get my degree, and get out of here. Some stressful things that have been hard during college are managing your time correctly between your school work, your actual job, and your free time. 

Having school be the most important thing you should be worrying about can put a lot of stress on students. Personally, I think my most difficult class right now is the writing intensive ones. When I first graduated high school I thought it would be super simple with writing classes because that was something I have always done well. What I think that is making it the most difficult is finding the time to write the papers and get them done. A lot of times I find myself procrastinating, especially the days when I get home from work late. The biggest words I have to describe these classes are overwhelmed and frustrated. I also am the type of person who likes to make sure almost everything is perfect. When something does not turn out the way I hoped it would or I get a bad grade on it I go into panic mode. There are so many ways to calm down stress and my thought process is right now to just keep pushing through and move forward with the hard stressors.

Brunette student facing many problems

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