Reality of Dorm Life

There have been a lot of positive parts of dorm life already. Growing up with nine siblings, I never had any time for myself. I could never focus on getting my assignments done because of all the noise in my house. But now that I live in the dorm, all I have is time to myself. It is also very quiet in my dorm so I get a lot of my assignments and papers done. One of the biggest positives from dorm life at UW- Green Bay is only having to share a bathroom with one other person. This is a big change from what I’ve been used to at home, when I was sharing with about 4 people. Another positive thing about dorm life is the independence you gain from living in a dorm room. I am doing more on my own than I ever did at home. For instance, I have to rely on myself more than I ever did living with my parents. I have to clean my room on my own instead of having my parents telling me to clean it. 

Not only have there been positive parts of dorm life, but also there have been negative parts. One of my biggest struggles is all the funky smells that happen in the hallways of the dorm. My dorm room is right next to the lounge where people cook, so when they are making something that doesn’t have the best smell, my roommate and I definitely smell it. Another negative part of dorm life is the fire alarms. For instance, the other night at midnight the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate our dorm because someone burned something while cooking in the lounge. My biggest struggle overall about dorm life is that since the dorm rooms are very small they can become cluttered very quickly. I will clean my room and then the next day it will be messy again because I do not have enough space for all my things to go. 



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