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Life in the dorms definitely has its ups and downs. From living in a multiple room house my whole life, to now just living in a shared space the size of one bedroom is a crazy thought. This small space can be very tight at times, and it feels like I have no place to relax other than my bed.  Every night before going to bed, I just imagine how much nicer my queen size bed back at home would be. Another big adjustment for me is not having access to a kitchen. I am used to waking up in the morning and fixing myself a quick breakfast before school. Now, I have to wake up and set aside another 12 minutes to walk to the food court to eat. With all of these not-so-great aspects of living in the dorms, the biggest downfall would have to be not having air conditioning. The first week on campus was miserable, as it was 90 degrees outside and probably 85 degrees in the dorm.

dorm room image – Bing images

Even with all these drawbacks, there are still many positives after all. Being in the dorms provides a great opportunity to meet new people. Having a good group of friends can make for a great college experience, and living so close to other students, it is very easy to interact and socialize with other people. Also, living in the dorms is very convenient for my day-to-day routine. All my classes are within walking distance which makes it very convenient for getting to class throughout the day.  Therefore, I haven’t had to drive as much, and I have saved a lot of money on gas as I have only had to fill up my tank once throughout my time being here. The best aspect of dorm life is having independence. After living with my parents for so many years, I would always have to do chores and different tasks on their schedule. Now, if I am not in the mood to do something, I don’t have a deadline to get it done.

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