on the go

Being a commuter student comes with a lot of great benefits. One of my favorite Benefits of living at home is that I get a quiet place to study after my classes. There are many nice places on the UWGB campus that are quiet and away from people but they can’t compare to my desk at home. My desk at home has benefits like readily available food about 20 steps away, another is sometimes I have to deal with a furry animal that likes to sit on my computer. Also I enjoy living at home because I have to wake up earlier, even though that sounds bad it helps me get up and feel better throughout the day. I’ve also been able to keep the same routine which helps me stay motivated and up to date in my class.  

Being a commuting student is very nice although It has its downs. One of the worst things about living at home is not being able to hang out with the friends you make on campus as much as you could if you lived there. For example I was hanging out with a group of friends at their dorms and I had to leave around ten o’clock so I could still get some sleep for my long day of classes the next day. Another thing that’s not great about living at home is you just don’t meet as many people as you would if you lived on campus. I would say I spend less than half the amount of time every other student does on campus so that severely limits my ability to meet people.



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