Living on Your Own, Is it Really all We Had Hoped For?

Living in a dorm is the little taste of living by yourself you have always wanted. No parents to tell you what to do or where to go, you get to do whatever you want and choose whenever to do it. But is that really the case? Maybe not, due to the fact that you are living with other people. Whether you’re in a 2 person room or a private room, you still share a living space with someone else. So is this the deal breaker or is living the dorm life still good?

Well from personal experience, it is hard to say. My first time dorming was alright. I didn’t have a messy roommate, he bathed, kept his hygiene good, and just kinda lived there. We weren’t exactly friends but we lived together. There was never a fight, no one touched the others stuff, we respected each other so that both of us could have a good living experience. After first semester he left so I got the place to myself. It was pretty nice. But this year, however, might be different. My roommate comes back at4 A.M., sleeps till 3 or 4 P.M., and leaves the window open no matter what. Yes, I get a glory period where I get the room to myself. But some days I wonder if it’s worth it. 


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