Home, Drive, College, Drive, Repeat

There are both pros and cons to being a commuter student. One of the cons that I face is the difficulty of making friends. It is hard to make friends outside of class when I don’t spend all my time on campus. I also don’t have the benefit of having a roommate whom I can be friends with. It feels pretty lonely without making any new friends in college. It can also be hard to participate in on campus activities being a commuter. Being a commuter, it is hard to know all the opportunities that are available on campus. It is hard to be informed about on campus activities when I don’t live on campus and can’t hear about it from other people in dorms. Another disadvantage of being a commuter is planning out when I have to leave for classes. I have to make sure I leave early enough to get to class on time, and come winter, this could be problematic. With the usual heavy snowfall we get in Wisconsin, I may miss classes because it isn’t safe to drive. This is a major downfall because I’m paying for these classes myself and need to attend each class to continue working and progressing through college. 

Even though making friends and participating in on campus activities has been difficult as a commuter there are also several benefits. One of the major benefits to being a commuter student is saving on room and board. I am saving thousands of dollars by living at home and packing food instead of having a meal plan. I do have to pay for my car and gas but that is way cheaper than paying for living expenses on campus. Another benefit of being a commuter is peace and quiet. At home I am able to study or do school work without interruptions or many distractions like I would having a roommate and living in the dorms. I’m not big on party’s and big social events, so it’s nice for me to be able to come home and relax in a quieter environment. The best benefit of living at home is that I get my own room, share a bathroom with my sister, and my dog. I also love sleeping in the comfort of my own bed. There is nothing like sleeping in your own warm, clean, and comfy bed. All in all, for me, the pros of being a commuter student outweigh the cons.

Source: https://therapidian.org/7-lessons-commuting-college-home 

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