Getting Used To

Living in the dorms has been quite an experience for me. When I first moved into my dorm room, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect and I couldn’t imagine living far away from home, especially living on my own. Luckily, my first day was a pleasant experience since I already got to reach out and talk to my roommate through Snapchat before we met in person. I also made a new friend who coincidentally lives in the same building as I do. Despite these positive experiences, it still took a bit to get used to living on campus. For example, one day I tried going to a bingo event at the University Union. Because I was new to living on campus, I had trouble finding the building. Then I figured I would try walking back to my dorm before I got too lost. However, doing so just got me even more lost. Luckily, I was able to find an older student who showed me my way back to the building.

As time went on, and the more and more I got used to living on campus, I started to really enjoy living on campus. I finally was able to find where the University Union building was on my own. I was able to walk back to my dorm building on my own without getting lost. Also, my roommate and I have been getting along great and at this point I would even consider my roommate my friend. My roommate and I also have been doing various things such as going to Walmart to buy some supplies. I also bought myself some Halloween candy and some movies. We also went to see Saw X in the movie theater and went to Spirit Halloween so I could buy myself a Michael Myers mask. And my roommate and I will also play pool with our friends who live in our dorm building. Therefore, I would say that my experience living on campus has been a great one. It just takes getting used to.


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