Gas is How Much??

Gas prices were always a popular topic of conversations between adults when I was growing up. I never understood all the fuss and attention the price of gas received, even after I had gotten my license. Throughout my six years of driving, I never paid attention or noticed the price. Now I understand all the fuss. I have a thirty-minute drive to campus, then a forty-five-minute drive to work, then a twenty-minute drive back home most days. With gas being around $3.20 per gallon, it costs around $45 to fill up my tank which I need to do about twice a week, making my monthly gas expense approximately $350 a month. Along with the cost of gas, the stress and frustration of slow drivers and semis can be unbearable at times. Since I am on a tight schedule, I get extremely anxious if I am stuck behind someone slow because I do not want to be late.

While my total expense of gas has significantly increased, commuting has made me value my time on campus much more. I only have an hour between my two lectures to get some work done, and I have found that during that time, my productivity levels are much higher while I am here versus at home. When I am at home, I am constantly distracted by either my six-month old nephew crying or my brother watching tv. For me personally, the impact of being in an academic environment on focus and motivation is significant. Having limited time here on campus during the week has caused my appreciation for the campus and school overall.

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