Double-Edged Living

Overall dorm life isn’t the worst thing to ever happen to me, but it also isn’t the best. Growing up, I had a room all to myself, one that was twice the size of my dorm room that I am currently living in. It took some adjusting to get used to living in a small space with someone I barely knew. Luckily both my roommate and I are flexible and set boundaries right from the start. Having a roommate is a great way to start college life. Especially the first few days of school when you really don’t know anyone else. It was nice to have someone to eat with and go to events with. It helped me not feel so alone. Another great thing about dorm life is the location. Since you are so close to the college, you can sleep in if you want. Technically, I can wake up 30 minutes before my first class of the day and still make it on time. I don’t have to worry about driving conditions or finding a good parking space.

However, dorm life isn’t perfect either. One big thing I would like to mention is that the dorm walls are paper thin. Noisy neighbors are hard to block, which can be very annoying at times. Like why does it take someone two hours to vacuum a dorm and why do they find it necessary to start spilling tea at ten o’clock at night in the middle of the hallway where everyone can hear. Another thing I would like to complain about is the heat register. I swear if I don’t have my window open, it’s about a hundred degrees in my dorm. Oh, and I can’t forget about my dorm’s kitchen. I tried baking chocolate chip cookies in the oven, and it took them over an hour to bake. Meanwhile, the oven was making some strange sounds; I was afraid it was going to explode.  Overall, though dorm-life isn’t too bad. It isn’t home but it is “home away from home” for now.

One thought on “Double-Edged Living”

  1. I 100% agree with you about the noisy neighborhoods. It can be really frustrating, especially when you have an 8 am class to wake up for. My dorm room is right above the kitchen, and when someone is cooking it’s the worst. The heat from the oven comes up into our room, or if they burn something we smell it for days. But it’s not all bad, I also really enjoyed living with my roommate and getting to know her.

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