Dorm Life Challenges

Living in the dorms can be a challenge to adapt to. You must be respectful of your roommate’s privacy and consider them when making decisions in the dorm. You also must get used to sharing everything and being cautious about things. like when you turn the lights on early in the morning when your roommate is still sleeping, remembering they have class tomorrow as well be quiet so they can sleep even though you may still be up studying. Being considerate of how they feel when you have people over, they need a space to focus to get work done. Laundry is another major thing. Be aware that others in your hall also have the laundry to get done. Making an agreement with your roommate can also be a challenge when deciding on who will take the trash out, clean the bathroom, vacuum the carpet, and take turns on who buys the toilet paper, paper towel, hand soap. garbage bags, and more. 

Although learning how to live with someone you don’t know at all can be a challenge, to adapt to it is truly one of the most life-changing experiences you will ever get to experience. There are no parents telling you when to go to bed or when you must be in the house. The amount of freedom is on a different level and can be relieving. You get to meet lots of new people and gain lifetime friendships. I personally have had the opportunity to be a part of an outgoing friend group and it was a blast. We have had nacho nights, pool nights where we do teams, movie nights, baking nights and a lot more. Not only have we been able to do those things, but we have gotten the chance to see how others do things and learn from each other. We also have set days we do homework so that we hold each other accountable and do not fall behind. We all get our stuff and sit in the lounge with music on and knock out our assignments then grab food and talk about how it is going with classes and stuff outside of school. It is truly what you make it so make the best of it and enjoy yourself. 

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