Dorm Duties

Anna Doolittle

Mrs. Toonen

First Year Writing – M/W/F 9:30

25 Oct. 2023

Dorm Duties

Moving into a dorm room and living with a stranger is what makes college a truly unique experience. It was definitely an adjustment for me, because I was used to being the only child at home and had my own bedroom. I never had to share my space if I didn’t want to. I could clean when I felt like it, and I could leave my bed unmade pretty much every day. Overall, I’ve liked living in the dorm with my roommate. I wouldn’t say that I have any cons at this point. Living with another person just makes me do the things that I should’ve have been doing before but didn’t want to do. This would include cleaning regularly, making my bed every day, and making sure that my laundry doesn’t pile up too high. All these things sound amazing in theory, but sometimes the need to constantly live in cleanliness is tiresome. Somedays, I just miss being a little lazy.

Dorm life can be complicated and tricky, but it can also be an amazing experience. I absolutely love living with my roommate! Although I do complain about how clean I must keep my side of the room, she is helping me build good habits for my future. One example of this is our mandatory Sunday cleaning and reset. The first Sunday she whipped out a Clorox wipe and started to wash off our walls, and I busted up laughing. I would’ve never thought to wash the walls in my life – ever. However, the walls were horrendous. Along with gaining new cleaning habits, I really enjoy the fact that we can share pretty much everything: food, clothes, makeup, and household items. Our little space has now doubled, because we have mutually decided that we are going to share the greater majority of what is in the room. Even though it can be annoying to clean every Sunday and share such a small space, it’s helping me form good habits for my future.


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