Done in Time

Every day I wake up, I wake up stressed. Either I have a test/exam to do that day or I know that I am coming home with a large amount of homework. Maintaining college, high school, and volleyball has been very difficult. Also finding time to spend time with my friends and family has been difficult. When I go to college I try to get done as much as I can in class because when I go back to school for my chemistry class, I know I will have homework for that class as well. I will be up at midnight doing homework for my college classes and making sure I have my assignments done in time. When I get up the next day, I am very tired during class and do not process things as well. 

My water science class is my most stressful and my hardest class. Every night I come home I study for this class for quite a bit of time so that I can keep my grade up. I feel like I am able to keep up with my classes and turn things in on time but it’s the amount of work in all these classes that stresses me out. It is not only my college classes I have to worry about but also my high school class and my online classes. I will work on homework for hours a day and still feel like I am missing something. I will reach out to my teachers to ask what I can do to raise my grades and what I can do to understand the class better. Trying to maintain two in person college classes, two online college classes, and a highschool chemistry class is a lot, but I have many people that believe in me and know that I can accomplish anything.I told myself to keep trying and keep believing in myself because I know I have the ability to accomplish anything.


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