Deep Breath In…Deep Breath Out

I would say that, as of right now, only a few things are stressing me out. One is two of my classes that involve math, which is a subject I despise. The others are just things that I need to catch up on, which is easily remedied. I do not enjoy math, at all. It is something that I just can’t get, can’t remember, and refuse to do math every chance I can get. My hatred of math started in high school, when I had to take geometry. I’m fine with other math, like algebra or basic addition and subtraction. Yet, when it comes to finding out the circumference of a circle, or the area of a square, I just fail to solve those questions. I know that I am required to take a certain amount of math courses before I can graduate, and I had figured that I might as well rip off the band-aid and get them over with, but I had forgotten just how much I actually hate math. I honestly probably just need to study the material more, look up videos that go over the material, or set up a time with the professors so I could get more one-on-one with them, so all hope is not yet lost.

The other stressors are easily fixed. It is more stuff that I need to catch up on or take classes step by step. I should actually say that the material that I need to catch up on isn’t because I’ve fallen behind, it’s more so that I’m unhappy with the quality of the work I’ve done. I’ve started to slack in some areas that I should not be slacking in, and I need to set aside some time in order to provide that class with the quality work that I know I can provide. For example, in my American History class to 1865, I often do subpar work, as I find the class remarkably boring. Or in my microeconomics class, I just need to slow down and actually read the questions, instead of just rushing through in order to get the work over with. However, most of my stressors are very easily fixed. I either need to set aside more time so I can improve my work, or I need to go to the professor directly for help.

Why I struggle with math - How To Survive School

Why I struggle with math

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