Adding Miles

     Unlike most people, driving isn’t a chore for me and I genuinely like doing it. Fortunately, I live close to campus and can commute each day to class. But driving about twenty minutes to college each day isn’t always a good thing. I find myself having to fill up my gas tank at least once a week now, sometimes even twice. With the high gas prices, paying to fill up my tank will cost around thirty or forty dollars each fill up. Also, I catch myself looking at the increasing miles on my dash each time I start my car. For instance, since starting to drive to class each morning, the miles on my car have already gone up an extra thousand. Also, having to drive to early classes prevents me from getting some extra minutes of sleep, considering I love to sleep in.  With all of this into consideration, the constant use of my car over tower drive bridge each day will definitely force me to purchase a new car in the next coming year. 


     While the consistent commuting of over twenty miles a day to class isn’t ideal, it still leaves me with some pros. For instance, I am able to do assignments in the comfort of my room without having to share my space. I also get to have a queen size bed instead of a dorm room twin size bed. My most favorite part of commuting to college is that I am saving over eight thousand dollars just by staying at home for college. Therefore, when I do need to buy a new car, I will have the extra money to do so. Another pro is that on the way to class each morning I can listen to music and relax before sitting in lecture. Along with that, commuting each morning gives me the ability to stop and grab food or a coffee before I get to class. So really, having to commute to college isn’t all that bad. Sure it may be hard on my car, but having more freedom definitely overcomes the cons.


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