Netflix to Networking

     Getting involved in college can be a scary thing to do. Leaving the comfort of your dorm to meet new people may be intimidating, however there are many drawbacks to staying in your dorm and watching Netflix. Not leaving your room can lead to a lack of physical activity and social interaction. It can also fuel anxiety, insomnia, and irritability, and it can also weaken your immune system because of lack of exposure to different things outside. However, getting involved can help you explore new experiences, discover fresh hobbies, and build lasting friendships. Making new friends can be easy, and there are many different ways that you can get involved on campus. A great way to find different clubs in college is by attending the fall and spring orgsmorg, where all of the UWGB student organizations present what their group does and how to join. Orgsmorg can be a fun activity to participate in with your roommate or a small group of friends. The dining hall also prints weekly pamphlets on activities taking place around campus.

      I am currently involved in one of the sororities on campus, Theta Eta Alpha, and I have already made so many amazing friends through the group. I highly recommend joining a sorority or fraternity on campus if you are looking to make new friends. If you aren’t sure about joining one, at the beginning of each semester, all fraternity and sorority life (FSL) hosts events to get to know all of the members. For Theta Eta Alpha, we did “speed dating,” Just Dance, karaoke, and watched Mamma Mia. I also attended bingo and trivia nights, and they are a great way to meet new people by talking to people you may not know sitting at your table. I know what it’s like to get overwhelmed by getting too involved; I had to quit a few different clubs that I had wanted to join because of different commitments. A good way to plan is to make a schedule of your day and fill in times for meals, sleep, class, and studying, so you can see how much time you are willing to put into extracurriculars based on the things you already have to do in your day on paper. But remember, you need to stay focused on your schoolwork because that is why you are here – to excel in the path you choose. I know you will do great at whatever you do.

Forever and always,




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