College is Hard? Really?

College is nothing like what my high school teachers said it would be like. They said that I would never have any free time, I would have essays due every week, and that my classes would be much harder than what I was taking in high school. Most of my classes were AP classes in high school, and those classes had a teacher who said they were going easy on us compared to what our college

professors would be like. I was told that I would not survive college, that I was too laid back, and that my attitude towards school was going to be my own worst enemy. All this made me feel like I wasn’t good enough for college, that I wasn’t worthy. I will never understand why they felt the need to make their students,kids who look up to them, that they will fail, that they won’t be successful in their future. All that was a lie, college is fine, and my attitude towards school is working for me and my professors just fine.

All my professors are extremely nice and understanding. They are always willing to help me if I need help, and the only class that I must write “big” essays for is my writing class, and my teacher helped the class every step of the way when writing them. You must go

against and argue with her to make that class hard for you. The only thing that I am struggling with right now is catching up with my classes because I was out sick for a week, and even then, I have less to do than I would in a week of high school. The professors here are a lot more helpful in getting me caught up too than any of my high school teachers would have been. So honestly, college is so much better and easier than high school, nothing like those teachers said, and I’m so proud of myself that I am proving them wrong.

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