Squishing the Bug

There is no doubt that college life is much different than the lives we had before. With responsibilities such as keeping your room clean, college is much different than high school. In college you are expected to “be your own boss.” For me being my own boss is making sure that everything that needs to be done is done, like laundry, cleaning, and homework, but also scheduling when to get my work done and working ahead. Being your own boss means squishing the bug of procrastination and laziness. In college you don’t have your parent or teacher nagging you to get your work done or to wake up in the morning. You and you alone have the freedom to decide when or what to get done. It is easy to fall behind in college if you don’t keep track of work, don’t study, or choose not to show up to class.

I find that being my own boss has many more pros than cons. Some of the pro’s would be the fact that I have freedom. I can decide to stay up, but I can also decide when I need to say no to people and spend time working on homework or studying. Another pro would be I don’t need to depend on anyone else, so when things don’t go as well as they should have, I take the blame and learn how to fix my own problems. I cannot blame anyone else but myself for my mistakes. A con of being on your own boss is nothing will get done unless you do it. You don’t have your mom doing laundry and cleaning “behind the scenes,” it is all on you. A major key to success here is learning how to balance academics and life in a way it is manageable.

Source: https://www.lillablu.com/freedom-of-being-your-own-boss/


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