Fresh Start

            College comes with freedom and it’s nice being my own boss, but it comes with some pros and cons. Some cons would be not being able to take advantage of living at home. At home, my laundry and dishes get done when I slack off and I don’t have to worry about what I am going to eat for supper. Life at college is all about independence and freedom. Now that I am away from home, I do my own laundry and get food for myself. The responsibilities I had in high school were nothing compared to what I do in college. Also, I worry about my bills and how I am going to pay for college. I come from a family that doesn’t have money to help me with college. Being my own boss can feel like a challenge because I have new responsibilities but I have freedom I’ve always longed for.

Source; (600+ Sunrise Wallpapers)

            Being my own boss and having freedom comes with many pros. For example, I learn who I am and I am becoming my own person. In college, I found myself and I am starting the life I was destined to have. I found friends that I share the same interests with and I will keep them in my life after college. Another pro would be time management. I get to decide when I take my classes, I don’t have to worry about what my family is doing in the evening, and I can do what I want. Having my own schedule is a big change from high school. Having free time to go hang out with friends or go home when I want to. Deciding the times of my own classes makes me more independent and shows that I am responsible. Being my own boss in college can be challenging at times but very rewarding to have a fresh start in life.

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