Fact vs Fiction: The College Edition

            The leap from my small high school to UWGB was a big one and I was very nervous but I am so glad I was able to take that step. Before college, I was super afraid that roomming with a stranger was going to be super bad. This was nothing farther from the truth. I am really enjoying being able to come and go whenever I please without someone asking where I’m going. I was also super afraid that I wasn’t going to make any friends. In the first week of school, we had the GB welcome for the freshman and I was able to make some friends that I’ve hung out with everyday since. Thankfully during that first week they gave us a tour of campus and showed us everything we needed to know and even how to get to our classes. This was super helpful as I come from a super small school and this is a big step up in comparison to the small walk from class to class.

            In high school I didn’t really struggle that much with classes, but coming into college I was expecting these super hard classes that I was going to have to do hours of studying just to understand and keep up with what’s being taught. Surprisingly, I am actually understanding most of what is said and I’m able to actually enjoy the topics being taught. Classes can be fun but what makes the class is the professor. I was expecting professors not be super nice or just be super strict, but instead, they are all super fun and I don’t have any complaints. They all make the class super enjoyable and are there to help and answer questions whenever I need them.

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